When I was asked to review this running top, I have to admit my heart sank a little at the thought of running in a white vest, with visions of a sweaty Bruce Willis going through my mind…or possibly Jim Royle slobbing out! However, I have to say I was pleasantly surprised…here is my review of Whippet Runwear’s ladies only running top.
First impressions – it doesn’t look like a sports top! I’m not sure if this is a good thing or not to be honest – as a reasonably “serious” runner, I like to look the part ( I think it’s a bit psychological – if I look like a proper runner, I might actually be able to run like one too!). That said, it’s nice to get away from the world of plain tops with logos or contrasting trim. The vine design is feminine without being overly girly, with its garland of flowers and leaves, and definitely stands out in the world of sports tops.
Although described as a running vest, I’d say this is more of a sleeveless T-shirt, offering more coverage of the chest and shoulder area than a traditional vest would. The material is a technical weave, which basically means that moisture is wicked away from your body to leave you feeling more comfortable when things get hot and sweaty. My favoured sports bra (and let’s be honest, I only have two of them and they’re identical) is black with a pink trim, so I fully expected it to be on show under a white top – I was wrong! The material is dense enough to prevent colours from showing through, which means you don’t have to worry about what colour your underwear is – result! I had a small size top, which fitted me pretty well (I’m a size 8-10), and the length was just about right.
I couldn’t try this top out quite as much as I’d have liked to as it’s a little chilly outside at the moment, so I couldn’t work up a hard enough sweat to fully test the technical aspect of the vest. I worked hard on a couple of hills sessions though, and did manage to build up a bit of moisture on my skin which was quickly dissipated by the top. The armholes were a good size, they didn’t rub against my inner arms yet also didn’t display acres of underarm bra, which was a definite plus point. The vest washed well and didn’t need to be ironed – another point in its favour!
I was quite impressed with this top – it looks and feels like a quality piece of kit, performs well, is comfortable and just a little bit different from the rest. I look forward to seeing what else Whippet Runwear will have to offer the lady runner, and I can’t wait for spring to arrive so I can look the part in my lovely vine vest.

*Disclaimer: This was a collaborative post with Whippet Runwear and I was given the vest in order to give an honest review. All words and opinions are my own.
About Val Baxter
Val is a middle-aged mother of two boys, and gradually got into athletics via her eldest’s involvement with Birtley AC. Following a slow start which involved power-walking and a gradual move to jogging, she was persuaded to enter a local Harrier league cross-country event, and despite coming almost last, developed a taste for cold muddy slogs through the countryside.- Swallows On Amazons - April 14, 2015
- Whippet Runwear Review - March 2, 2015
- The Nuband Fitness Tracker - January 6, 2015
- Nifty At Fifty? That Remains To Be Seen… - August 4, 2014
- Appsolute Perfection - February 3, 2014
- Val Baxter - October 1, 2013
- Looks Familiar! - April 4, 2013
- Setting My Sights Higher - January 3, 2013
- Iron Gym Push Up - April 1, 2012
- Full of Jelly Beans - March 1, 2012