Being active has always been apart of my life. My mother would kindly word it as “always throwing myself around the place.” From a young age I was very keen to do well in sport and dancing. It wasn’t until the last few years of high school that I realised running was an actual sport rather than a warm up exercise. I was often chosen to run the 1500m in sports day (albeit that there wasn’t much competition). Once I left school and physical activity was no longer compulsory, fitness kind of fell by the wayside.
It wasn’t until I met my husband, a Royal Marine Commando that I decided to get moving again. He often tells the story of the first ever run we went on. So, having not exercised for a while I had no idea whether I was fit or not but I set off as I would have done back in school. I was met with this reaction “Jeez Rach, you’re going to put me to shame at this pace”. I felt pretty good about that. I think I must’ve made it 200m before I had the most almighty stitch and couldn’t breathe! Ok, so I wasn’t fit. However embarrassing it did motivate me to do slightly better than 200m next time!
Now, running is something I wish I could say I do more off but I am a busy mum of three children. I try to get out as often as I can when my husband is at home. I often use a run as an excuse to have some ‘me’ time. I find that if I set small, achievable goals I keep motivated. I plan to run 10k to raise money for NEST, a charity that researches Nephrotic Syndrome, a condition my daughter suffers with. If that’s not enough to keep me motivated, I don’t know what is!
I have recently started writing a lifestyle blog. Within this I plan to document my fitness progress from post baby to 10k run! You can find my journey here at Mumma Hub.

About Rachel Cox
Being active has always been apart of my life. From a young age I was very keen to do well in sport and dancing. Now, running is something I wish I could say I do more off but I am a busy mum of three children. I try to get out as often as I can when my husband is at home. I often use a run as an excuse to have some ‘me’ time. I find that if I set small, achievable goals I keep motivated.- New Balance W1260 V6 Review - January 17, 2017
- Rachel Cox - January 17, 2017