I suppose when I think about it I’ve always ran. Some of the best memories I have whilst growing up were on my childhood estate playing games called ‘Fox and Hounds’ and ‘Jack shine the Maggie.’ All of which involved hours worth of running around the estate and having loads of fun in the process. I was also known for just about running every where with my twin brother. We would enact scenes from the latest athletics, being competitive with each other in winning the race.
Running remained a big part of growing up. I ran for the school and also enrolled in the local running club, however it was never something which progressed into a major competitive element. I’m not sure if this is something I regret as there was probably potential there for improvement and progression.
Over the years I’ve pretty much dabbling in most forms of fitness – Karate, gym, circuits etc but runnings always been there and I have to be honest in saying that I still love it. I enjoy the social element when running with friends but it’s those times when I’m running alone when my competitive edge comes to the forefront, pushing myself harder to beat a goal or a time.
10k is my ideal distance and I’ve ran in a number of organised event over the last two years. Most recently I ran my first Kielder 10k, this was a very tough course both physically and mentally however was extremely pleased with a finishing time of 45.20.
I would love to run more than I actually do nowadays but that seems to be the challenge balancing a family with children, work commitments and fitness.
I can’t see a time when running won’t be apart of my life and I hope that I have many many years ahead of hitting those streets and getting that feeling of freedom, a great workout and clearing the mind. Nothing else works better!

About Martin Cottle
I suppose when I think about it I've always ran. Some of the best memories I have whilst growing up were on my childhood estate playing games called 'Fox and Hounds' and 'Jack shine the Maggie.' I can't see a time when running won't be apart of my life and I hope that I have many many years ahead of hitting those streets and getting that feeling of freedom, a great workout and clearing the mind. Nothing else works better!- Martin Cottle - December 15, 2014